Dog Pregnancy Scanning, Canine Ultrasound Scanning
High quality K9 fertility with an Amazing Service
Pet Scanning Manchester
Mobile Dog Pregnancy Scanner Manchester
Canine Ultrasound Scanning here at The K9 Fertility Centre.
We are trained, qualified and certified in K9 ultrasound scanning and we want to offer the best service possible. We usually carry out the first scan on day 30, this one is purely to confirm that your bitch is pregnant, we can usually offer an estimate of numbers at this time but it is only an estimate as reabsorption can still take place up to day 44. A second scan can be done at your choice but it depends on what it is for, we always say for a peace of mind scan book in for around day 40-45 but this is up to you.
Pregnancy Scanning For Dogs
- Someone trained in Canine ultrasound scanning should be able to assure you that the unborn puppies are healthy. This is done by not only looking for gestation sacs but by confirming movement and more importantly, heartbeats. Scanning prior to 40 days makes this extremely difficult as seeing a heartbeat at this stage would be almost impossible on most portable scanning machines.
- Reabsorption can occur. There is no point knowing that your bitch is pregnant at day 20 because if she reabsorbs the litter she would not still be pregnant at day 30. Reabsorption can take place up until roughly day 44 when the skeletal bones are developed
Also having Pet Ultrasound Scanning done too early is a waste of money, because you will more than likely need a re-scan anyway which is why we say pregnancy confirmation at day 30 and then around day 40-45 for peace of mind
K9 Ultrasound Scanning Manchester
- Do you want to confirm the pregnancy as soon as possible? If so, book your scan for day 30.
- Are you looking to know how many puppies your bitch is carrying? if so having your scan between day 30 – 35 is a good time for this, but remember this is only an estimate. Number counting with dog pregnancy scanning isn’t always accurate. Canine Ultrasound scans are performed there and then so you can only see what’s there at that exact time unlike an X-ray that photographs the whole of the abdomen. With dog pregnancy scanning, sacs can easily be counted twice, and often one can be hidden behind another, however most experienced scanners will be confident enough to offer you a rough estimate: for example, she is having between 3 and 5 or I have definitely seen 5 in there so she is having 5 or more.
- If you want peace of mind that the pregnancy is all progressing as it should after you’ve had your confirmation scan then wait until around day 40-45 as the puppies will be a lot more developed and this is when the heart beats are usually more visible. This not only gives you better images, but also assures you that the pregnancy is progressing normally.
Canine Pregnancy Scanning
When to contact your vet.
What is Pyometra?
K9 Fertility
K9 Pregnancy Scanning
Fully Qualified
Fully Certified
Fully Mobile
The cost for K9 Ultrasound Scanning is as follows:
If you bring your dogs to us we charge £30
If you prefer us to travel to you prices start from £40 depending on location
If you are using our stud service then this is factored into the package price quoted for the stud service.
If you would like to use this service just contact us using the details on the contact page.
Pet pregnancy scan
Check out our full services page for more details on each service we offer.